Inbound Marketing - 10 Best Practices Every Marketer Should Know and Use If your sales cycle is a couple of months, aim to give people a nudge every few weeks. It’s important to make your messages enticing with a careful choice of words adapted to the buyer persona’s characteristics and your communication goals. Offering leads some kind of reward is also a smart idea—for example, a content asset such as a whitepaper, or an exclusive trial of your services. Either way, make sure that your giveaway is appropriate for how far along in the buyer’s journey the lead is located. #4. Dedicate Resources to Useful and Timely Blogging Image source: Ask the Blogger Content is at the helm of inbound marketing. Blogging is one of the most widespread channels, and has proven to be a truly effective way to bring an audience to your owned media. But, in order to stand out in today’s overabundance of information, your blog has to be useful. It should offer innovative solutions to the real problems of your target audiences and inspire them with original ideas. An important point to remember about content is that quality beats quantity. Valuable, eye-catching information is what will motivate people to follow your company’s blog. Your blog posts also need to be consistent—both with your branding and each other. And no piece of effective content is complete without a call-to-action, giving your readers a clear idea of what to do next. Sources of inspiration for your content can be found everywhere—from FAQs to customer reviews. You can also refer to successful inbound marketing blogs to catch up on the latest trends and best practices. Created by inSegment 6
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